Titan AV Talk filter by cosplay foam

How to custom cut EVA foam with a trim router

How to Make Custom Foam Inserts with EVA and a Trim Router!

There's nothing sweeter for gear lovers than a custom made insert to neatly house your tools, cameras, laptops and AV gear. Today we’ll show you just how easy it is to make your own custom insert using EVA foam!
WTF is EVA? The beginners GUIDE to EVA foam.

WTF is EVA? The beginners GUIDE to EVA foam.

WTF is EVA? Got a pair of thongs? Then you’ve got EVA foam! It’s versatile, easy to work with, durable, and reasonably priced which has made EVA foam wildly popular for a variety of uses....
How to select the right FOAM for you!

How to select the right FOAM for you!

Titan AV offer a variety of highly versatile foam, but which foam is fit for your purpose? Let's take a closer look at the different types of Titan AV foam...