A year ago we wrote a piece on Titan AV TV brackets VS the competition. We compared one of our most popular TV brackets (Titan AV 37-70” Full Motion) with similar ones at The Good Guys, JB Hi-Fi and Harvey...
Google search for "Full Motion TV Brackets" and you'll find high profile Australian companies - brands such as The Good Guys, Harvey Norman and JB Hi-Fi - selling similar TV brackets for 2-3+ times the price of our Titan AV equivalent.
Are you looking for a safe & transportable way to display a TV? Cue the Titan AV 2m Tri Truss TV Display Stand. These Stands have been sold to schools, universities, churches, night clubs, gyms, financial planners & a variety...
Mounting your TV is a great idea – it saves space and looks great. But which TV Bracket is the best fit for your needs? We’re going to take a look at the different types of TV Brackets and their...